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Training & Workshops

We run training programmes on fundraising and nonprofit development for individuals from a wide variety of organisations. We also deliver bespoke workshops catering for individual organisational needs.


Coaching & Mentorship

Coaching is a great way to bring external knowledge and experience to your organisation.


Fundraising Strategy

A clear understanding of where you are and a detailed roadmap to where you want to go is critical to your success. We'll help you create the fundraising strategy to achieve this.


Thank you for getting in contact with Academy Street Workshop. We look forward to talking to you.

Kevin Delaney

A professional fundraiser and nonprofit leader for over a decade. I am a believer in the ability of a few passionate people to make a difference in the world, but even the biggest hearts needs a helping hand.

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Eimear Clowry Delaney

Over a decade working with young people and non profits across three continents, I'm passionate about engaging communities in conversation, developing ideas and finding new ways of doing things. 

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© 2019 by academy street workshop. 

Tel: Eimear  +353 86 126 1936  

       Kevin     +353  86 601 0434

Address: Academy Street, Navan, Co Meath

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